More time for the customer
‘This yields a clear reduction in errors during the order registration process,’ says Susanne Hallin, Order Manager. ‘Moreover, the program helps create better structure in our order system and we are able to process orders much faster this way. The biggest benefit: we now have more time for contact with our customers. Naturally, this is always good for developing the best possible customer solutions.’
For each customer we assess which digital solution provides the greatest added value in accordance with the customer’s requirements. For example, already more than one hundred of our larger customers make use of our EDI connections, especially in the Automotive segment. In most countries customers can download the required documents and certificates at any time of their choosing using our self-service portals. Moreover, we are making web shops available, so that customers can order all of their required materials online.
Digital solutions are resulting in better and faster communication with our customers and improve our efficiency. Automatic Order Creation is a good example of a smart digital solution that Van Leeuwen is now deploying on a broad scale. Incoming orders are fully automatically digitally scanned and directly translated into instructions for our Logistics department. This speeds up order processing and ensures it is virtually faultless.

The AOC solution is also being used by Van Leeuwen Distribution Germany, Heléns Denmark and Van Leeuwen Italy; installation at Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht is in full swing. Furthermore, Van Leeuwen is investigating the next generation artificial intelligence (AI) based scanning tools.
‘It is no longer necessary to reenter the same date all the time. AOC enables sales staff to better focus on their core tasks: taking care of the customer, acquisition, preparing proposals and following up on orders. In my view this is the added value of AOC,’ says Roll-out Manager Heinz Strasser.
Aside from EDI and web shops, Van Leeuwen provides Automatic Order Creation (AOC) as a digital solution to customers who prefer to send in their orders by e-mail from their own ERP system. Customer orders in incoming e-mails are scanned non-stop, and all order information is entered into our ERP system, thus enabling Logistics to immediately start working on these orders. Our branch Heléns Rör AB in Sweden has acquired the necessary experience with AOC. Helene Salomonsson, Business Analyst and AOC Project Manager: ‘Today more than 30% of incoming customer orders are processed fully digitally and automatically by AOC. Among the companies we are servicing with AOC is the Swedish international engineering company Sandvik AB. That innovation is an important spearhead for Heléns is evident from the fact that almost 60% of all customer orders are processed digitally using one of our available digital solutions.’
Orderverwerking wordt secondewerk

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The AOC solution is also being used by Van Leeuwen Distribution Germany, Heléns Denmark and Van Leeuwen Italy; installation at Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht is in full swing. Furthermore, Van Leeuwen is investigating the next generation artificial intelligence (AI) based scanning tools.
‘It is no longer necessary to reenter the same date all the time. AOC enables sales staff to better focus on their core tasks: taking care of the customer, acquisition, preparing proposals and following up on orders. In my view this is the added value of AOC,’ says Roll-out Manager Heinz Strasser.
More time for the customer
‘This yields a clear reduction in errors during the order registration process,’ says Susanne Hallin, Order Manager. ‘Moreover, the program helps create better structure in our order system and we are able to process orders much faster this way. The biggest benefit: we now have more time for contact with our customers. Naturally, this is always good for developing the best possible customer solutions.’

Aside from EDI and web shops, Van Leeuwen provides Automatic Order Creation (AOC) as a digital solution to customers who prefer to send in their orders by e-mail from their own ERP system. Customer orders in incoming e-mails are scanned non-stop, and all order information is entered into our ERP system, thus enabling Logistics to immediately start working on these orders. Our branch Heléns Rör AB in Sweden has acquired the necessary experience with AOC. Helene Salomonsson, Business Analyst and AOC Project Manager: ‘Today more than 30% of incoming customer orders are processed fully digitally and automatically by AOC. Among the companies we are servicing with AOC is the Swedish international engineering company Sandvik AB. That innovation is an important spearhead for Heléns is evident from the fact that almost 60% of all customer orders are processed digitally using one of our available digital solutions.’
Orderverwerking wordt secondewerk

For each customer we assess which digital solution provides the greatest added value in accordance with the customer’s requirements. For example, already more than one hundred of our larger customers make use of our EDI connections, especially in the Automotive segment. In most countries customers can download the required documents and certificates at any time of their choosing using our self-service portals. Moreover, we are making web shops available, so that customers can order all of their required materials online.
Digital solutions are resulting in better and faster communication with our customers and improve our efficiency. Automatic Order Creation is a good example of a smart digital solution that Van Leeuwen is now deploying on a broad scale. Incoming orders are fully automatically digitally scanned and directly translated into instructions for our Logistics department. This speeds up order processing and ensures it is virtually faultless.

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